Take The Reframing Challenge

Earlier this year I had the pleasure of meeting Karen M. Lowe. She is the author of From Dreamer To Creator: Reframing Deterrents In Our Path. It is now one year since she achieved her dream of writing and publishing her book. Congratulations Karen! In our conversation we talked about the difficulties of doing something you've always dreamed of in spite of insecurities, limitations and challenges.

Before starting BLPR Digital Strategies I wanted to start a business of some kind for years but didn't know how and was afraid of beginning. It wasn't until I left my job and went back to school to study Public Relations and Corporate Communications that my life began to transform from a life I hated to one I had always dreamed of. Taking the first step toward starting the life I wanted was one of many obstacles I faced head-on that year and one of the biggest changes that had to occur was my mindset. The way I was viewing my situation was all wrong! In From Dreamer To Creator Karen describes the benefits of reframing obstacles as opportunities in order to give dreamers the confidence to start doing what they imagine.

Take the Reframing Challenge

Begin 2018 by moving your life in the right direction: take the Reframing Challenge! Finally make those resolutions stick by transforming your challenges into triumphs with the FREE Reframing Challenge Kit. Fill out the form below and we look forward to seeing your fun results!